Master’s thesis

The final semester of the TEMA+ EMJMD programme is dedicated to finishing the Master’s thesis (24 ECTS) under joint supervision of professors from the universities the student has studied in. By clicking on the links below, you will find the title of the MA thesis of graduated students per intakes:


Award received by Scientific and Administrative Coordinators

Award and grants received by students:

  • Intake 1: 

Avenir Meikengang and Aude Fanget got awarded by University of Catania for best performed students award.

Saber Qechai got awarded by a Stipendium Hungaricum scholarship for PhD studies at ELTE

  • Intake 2: 

Gabriel Difilippo received study grants of University of Laval and University of Catania.

Omar Artal got awarded by a Stipendium Hungaricum scholarship for PhD studies at ELTE

  • Intake 3:

Eloisa Ocando Thomas got awarded by the  International Chancellor's Scholarship of for PhD studies at University of Warwick

Research materials, publications, papers, scientific events

TEMA+ Milestone Conference 2023 on European Territories: Identity, Heritage and Development (14-16 July 2023). Link to the conference section:

Atelier 30 Conference: Scientific conference organised on the 30th anniversary of the Atelier Department of Interdisciplinary History (13 September 2021)

Trente ans de coopération dans les sciences humaines et sociales entre la France et l’Europe centrale : bilan et perspectives. (17 October 2019)

Colloque coorganisé par l’Institut français de Budapest et l’Atelier – Département d’Histoire Interdisciplinaire de l’Université Eötvös Lorand de Budapest à l’occasion du trentième anniversaire de la création de l’atelier par ELTE et l’EHESS – Paris (Ecole des hautes études en sciences sociales)

 Student Publications:

  1. Molina Aguirre, Giovanni F. – Satil Neves, Rogério: The “Museu do homem americano: a museum challenged by its nature. In,ICOM Spain: 3RD MEETING ON MUSEOLOGY NEW STORIES IN MUSEUMS, in San Sebastian 2022. 204-213.

Scholars’ publications:

  1. European Commission, Directorate-General for Research and Innovation, Sonkoly, G., Vahtikari, T., Innovation in cultural heritage research – For an integrated European research policy, Publications Office, 2018,

    The Scientific Coordinator and Project Manager (Prof. Gábor Sonkoly) has co-athored a Policy paper on Innovation in Cultural Heritage – For an integrated european Research Policyin 2018 that is widely used and contribute to the development of the academic discipline.

  1. Sonkoly, Gábor (ed.): Urban Heritage in Europe. Economic and Social Revival (2023), Routledge, London – New York.

    The Scientific Coordinator (Prof. Gábor Sonkoly) has edited a book published by Routledge in which TEMA and TEMA+ researchers and TEMAlumni students also published.

Publications from the TEMA programme:

  1. Sonkoly, Gábor – Gyöngyi, Heltai (eds): Towards a European Master (2008)
  2. Ira, Jaroslav – Jong, Jan de – Tarafás, Imre (eds): Identity, Nation, City: Perspectives from the TEMA network (2015)
  3.  Shelekpayev, Nari et al. (eds): Empires, Nations and Private Lives: Essays on the Social and Cultural History of the Great War (2016)
  4. Militello, Paolo – Nucifora, Melania (eds): Frontiers. Migration. Ancohrages: Seminars and Theses from the Erasmus Mundus Master’s Course in Catania (2017)
  5. Ira, Jaroslav – Janáč, Jiří (eds.): Materializing Identities in Socialist and Post-Socialist Cities (2018)
Student Internship statistics and reports

1. Connections to the  world of work:

The major objectives of TEMA+ were: 1. to train students to become experts and scholars of European Heritage, 2. to institutionalise European Cultural Heritage Studies, by strengthening the connection between the academia and the world of work through stakeholder cooperations. The Consortium has made great efforts to build and constantly enlarge a professional network involving scholars, students, alumni and associated partners.

To achieve these goals, the Consortium:

  1. integrated at least 1 obligatory internship (for min. 120 hours) to the curriculum at one of its associated partners (or at any relevant institution/organisation chosen by students who could become partners). 
  2. increased the number of partnerships/each intake (the associated members were divided into two groups: facilitators and institutions offering internships (see exhaustive list of partners in the Consortium  Agreement’s Amended Annex 2c and here

– The total number of associated partners/those who offered internships were: 

Intake 1 (32/23), Intake 2 (41/32), Intake 3 (87/78),

– There were 47 internships realised in total in all intakes, out of which 6 were done at academic, 41 at non-academic partners 

  1. organised several non-academic events, trainings, e.g. a Milestone 2023 Alumni and Student Conference and  Non-Academic Intensive Weeks were organised for all intakes in Semester 1 in Budapest. 

Intensive weeks were reported as the best experiences by students and the greatest results for making connections with the world of work. During the event, several presentations, workshops, visits and group projects were organised for a better understanding of practical problems, challenges of cultural heritage research, management and interpretation. Different actors, non-academic partner organisations, institutions and individuals of Cultural Heritage sector were invited to share their on-going projects, knowledge and experiences about how a graduate student in Cultural Heritage can use his or her scholarship on the field (see the promotional video: 

Other services offered by the partner universities:

– ELTE: a Career Centre organises trainings regularly for all students, an Alumni Mentoring system for sharing first-hand experiences on job market integration, 

– CUNI: the academic staff integrated students to the ongoing research projects (e.g., REACH, KREAS), several visiting scholars offered specific trainings and consultations on PhD and research funding and job opportunities (e.g. Sazzad Hossain, architect and General Secretary of ICOMOS-Bangladesh, Kimberly Zarecor, prof in Architectural History at North Carolina State University)

– EHESS: seminars and meetings on various PhD programmes and thesis funding opportunities (EHESS, CIFRE contract) were organised. The career paths of graduates are monitored in two ways: 

  1. Before graduating, students attend professional development workshops offered by EHESS, where they can apply for a wide range of job finding tips and methods. Two associations work in cooperation with pre-graduation students: Article 1 with a skills identification programme, Jobready, and the Bernard Gregory association, which specialises in monitoring PhDs and graduates in the Social Sciences.
  2. After graduation, young people can request a personal interview with the Careers Advisory Service. In 2023, around 30 MA students benefited from this.

– UNICT: the internships at Italian institutions, associations and companies were organised to guarantee an initial preparation for entering the world of work.

– UL: Internships were very effective in helping students get jobs. TEMA+ students who graduated at UL after long mobilities have gotten jobs in the public or in the private sectors (e.g. an Intake 3 student was offered by a contract at Organization of World Heritage Cities  her internship)

2. Internships:

Internships have been fully integrated in the TEMA+ curriculum. Each TEMA+ student is obliged to do at least one internship (for min. 120 hours) during his/her studies (preferably during the 2nd or 3rd semester) at one of the Consortium’s associated partners or at any relevant institution/organisation chosen by students who could become partners. This rule is included in the Student Agreement and a guide on “How to do an internship guide” (link) is distributed to all students. 

Students are encouraged to do several internships (but only one could be validated for 6 ECTS by the partner universities for the diploma).

The associated partners are divided into 2 groups: facilitators and institutions offering internships (see:

  1. Facilitators (9) were international, national and local institutions and networks (both from Programme and Partner countries) who contributed with their facilities (e.g. libraries, archives), services (e.g. language courses) and expertise, e.g.  Institut Français de Budapest (Hungary), CEU (Central European University), AUF (Agence Universitaire de la Francophonie, Bucarest), NPU (National Heritage Institute) of Czech Republic, CNRS (Research Group Géographie-cités at the National Center for Scientific Research), IBAM (Istituto per i Beni Archeologici e Monumentali del Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche), IPAC (Institute for Cultural Heritage of Laval University).
  2. Other institutions offered internships and supported the programme with several academic/professional programmes and events (e.g.,workshops, trainings, conferences etc.) to enhance the encounters between students and experts from academia and the world of work.

– The total number of associated partners/those who offered internships were:

Intake 1 (32/23)

 Intake 2 (41/32)

Intake 3 (87/78) 

from 13 countries (8 Programme and 5 Partner c.: Hungary, Czech Republic, France, Italy, Canada, USA, South-Africa, Belgium, Germany, Cameroon, United Arab Emirates, Netherlands, Poland)

– These partners either signed partnership agreements directly with the Consortium or with the partner HEIs. Most of the associated partners had to be contacted via the TEMA+ Secretariat, others by the partner universities’ contact person, except at EHESS, where the Service de l'Aide à l'Insertion Professionnale (SAIP) was created in 2019 to help students to find internship/work placements, get in touch with the host institutions and how to write successful applications.

– There were 47 internships realised in total in all intakes, out of which 41 were done at non-academic partners at local, regional, national, European, and international, both public, private and research organisation, e.g.:Gallery LL Paris, CIRDOC – Institut Occitan de Cultura, Smithsonian Center for Folklife and Cultural Heritage, European Heritage Volunteers, Europeana Foundation ICCROM, Organization of World Heritage Cities, African World Heritage Fund etc.

– The exact ratio was:

Intake 1: 14 (3 inside/11 outside academia),

Intake 2: 11 (1 inside/10 outside academia),

Intake 3: 24 (4 inside/20 outside academia)

– Internships at academic partners were either done at the Consortium partner universities (e.g., EHESS, UNICT, UL) or at other universities (e.g., CEU, Humboldt) or research networks/organisations (e.g. CNRS – Delegation Ile-de-France, CEFRES in Prague).

– Some students completed more than 1 internship, and some Intake 1 and 2 students had to be exempted from doing obligatory internship to complete the programme. For them (and those interested), the Consortium introduced internship after graduation opportunities for which students could apply for Erasmus+ scholarship (after the end date of their EM financing period).

3. Internships:

The Consortium shares some reports on internships, written by students from all intakes. The majority of reports are confidential, but the Consortium is happy to share some with the permission of the authors.